I am not saying this for myself. I have author friends who needs reviews for their books too. Book reviews are important for an author, just a review for any product-- it helps people decide if the product or book is worth paying for. Without them, no one knows how good or bad a product is.
Here is how you review a book:
1) First make sure the book you are going to read is something you read. If you are not a sci fi fan then don't download or order one because chances are you will not give it a review. I had bought a few books or downloaded them only to find out that it goes against my beliefs. I felt trapped. I couldn't lie and say "I love this book! I wish I could write like this..." because it would not be honest.
2) Read the book. I understand we don't have enough hours in a day to read. Some of us work and have families, but I think us authors don't expect the book to be read in one day. Just whenever you can, sit down and read.
3. There are places where you can go to write a review: Goodreads, is a good place, but if you go there, you need to there when you begin to read the book because you will be adding it to your shelf and updating how far you have read (if you like) then when you are done, you update it by clicking "I'm finished." That takes you to reviewing the book. Other places are where you download or purchase the book. When you go there, type in the name of the book in teh search box and it should take you to a page where you can review.
What is a review?
A review is writing what you thought about the book. At Amazon.com, after the review section, you can add a title of your review: "An enjoyable read" or "Unlike any other books", anything that would interest curious readers about your review. Also you can rate it from one star (Poorly written book, it shouldn't have been published) two stars ( Could have been written better) 3 stars (It's okay) 4 stars (I love this book!) 5 stars (This book is fantastic! I can't wait to read the next book!) It's like one of those on the scale from one to ten with ten being the greatest.
It is sad when an author who is looking for a review promised a free copy in exchange for the review and they never get it. The least the reader can do is let the author know, that they haven't finished the book, but they will as soon as they can.
I hope that no one thinks less of me by writing this. As I said, it is not just for me!
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