Christian Indie Authors Reader group


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

About Marge from a Second Chance at Love.

Just recently a beta reader told me she couldn't finish reading my book. Why? She thought that I was putting women in a bad light! Well, let me tell you about Marge. Marge does not represent women in general. There are women who have been hurt so bad that they just as well not date anymore. Marge has been divorced for 7 years. Her husband had two affairs while she was married to him. At one time, he asked her to dress plainly because he didn't need her to be pretty for him. AS a result it made it easy for him to have another affair. Now I don't know about you, but Marge had it. She gave him no more chances and divorced him. Resolving not to be hurt anymore, she put up a wall called cynicism and dressed plainly in the hopes that no man would come near her. Maybe you would move on. maybe you can heal from hurts, but she had no hope. Her friend Sam is the only man besides her twin brother that she trusted, but he is a Christian and with a good heart. He wants to see Marge happy and trusting the Lord and not men. However she has a closed heart and will not allow anyone to get close to her. I wish readers would see that I am not degrading women because if I am, I would degrade myself. IN a way, Marge is me or maybe was me. Marge is about a woman who was in need of a transformation. Let me tell you something: Sometimes God will use circumstances to bring us to him. Haven't you heard about people who in their most dire circumstances calling out to God? As a result, they have given their hearts to God. Marge had to go through a series of unfavorable circumstances in order to become a better person. If Marge had gotten her way, if those men would have left her alone then she would always be cynical, always dress like she doesn't care and she may never know the Lord. Would she date again? It has been seven years. She was set in her ways. What do you think? So yes. It took some illegal persuasions to bring her to the estate. Yes, they had to resort to kidnapping, but in the end, Marge had a heart of forgiveness because she met the Lord through her circumstances. She not only received a physical transformation, but a spiritual one. Not only that, but she got reunited with her Carliano. One last thing, my beta reader complained that Marge was in her underwear. It could have been worse. She was originally in her birthday suit. But I have decided that as a Christian author, she needed something on. Perhaps the beta reader and people like her would much rather have her dressed in a lingerie. Well, if you can't stomach a woman dressed in her underwear then this book isn't for you. of all the people I know who have downloaded my book, none of them complained to me about Marge's lack of apparell. And they are all Christians. Marge is mainstream romance, but I think I will just make a secular because the beta reader find it hard it to see my book Christian. What is your definition of mainstream?

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