As I read, the book, I got more intrigued, but questioned if I should continue because as it turned out the paranormal element was immortality. As a Christian, I knew that only God was and is immortal and all those who were raised to new life after death. (Interesting the main character was raised to new life but not to live with God.) Those who died are raised immortal and live with God. However, I put that aside and continued to read this interesting book.
I love the love between the two characters who seemed to have about everything on earth trying to keep them apart, including the evil council and John Townsend, but I thought for sure, the two will find their way to be together forever. I was disappointed and this is why I gave it 4 stars and not 5 stars on Goodreads. I should have given it 3 stars, but I thought the author had a very good imagination or did research on what immortals do and live by, etc. I was disappointed because twice, they were kept from being United-- first by John's evil counsel and then later by the hero's (William's) father's council.
Knowing this book was the first of the trilogy, I decided to read the synopsis of the other two books, hoping maybe there was a silver lining in the clouds-- hopes were dashed again. I just will not read the other two books she has written.
One of my WIP is a Christian Paranormal Romance and that my friends and followers will have a good ending!
Sometimes books fall short thankfully ive been reading some goos ones