If you are like me, you like happily ever after stories and the author I interviewed writes such stories. I had the wonderful privilege of reading two of her books:
She Belongs to Me and
The Land of the Noonday . She is also the author
Entangled Dreams and
When Noonday Ends. Her genre specialty is Romantic Suspense. Before I began with the Interview, here is what she says about herself:
About me:
I characterize my stories as modern-day fairytales, as they overflow with romance, mystery, suspense, and of course, tragedy. After all, what would a fairytale be without a tragic event setting the stage? All of my novels are sensual, but not erotic, gripping but not graphic and will make you love, laugh, cry, gasp, and hope.
Carmen also wrote a couple of short stories with an edge of paranormal to them: The Depot and The Pit Stop.
1. Hi,
Carmen! Can you tell us a little about your first book She Belongs To Me?
Belongs to Me’ is a true romantic-suspense, meaning it is a fifty-fifty mix of
romance and mystery with a line of suspense running equally through both
genres. In other words, the mystery and the romance will always have you on
your toes, wondering what happens next, whether it’s the “Will their relationship
make it?” or “How did she really end up shot in the head?”
2 What
is your inspiration for writing She Belongs To Me?
I just had a lot to say, and I was tired of not being able to find books that
gave me a great romance and mystery without resorting to graphic and erotic
scenes. Yes, I want to be swept off my feet and chew on my nails in
anticipation, but I don’t want to have nightmares or get accused of reading
‘mommy porn’. So I thought, if they can make Rated R books into great PG13 movies,
why not just start with a PG13 book to begin with. Of course, I think my books
are appropriate for ages sixteen and up, but that was my goal.
3 Is
there anyone in your book who is based on someone you know?
but that’s all I can say about that. :)
4. In
your bio, you said you were on your own at 17. Can you give us a little
information about your life?
that would be a horror story, and I try to keep my writing non-graphic. But
yes, I am an only child, and I have barely one parent left. I was tossed around
from house to house as a child, and I’ve been through almost everything
imaginable, but I’ve always had my reading, writing, and an angel who went by
the name of “Gram”, who made my life turn out pretty good, so I’ll never
5 Who
is your favorite Romantic Suspense Author?
Sheldon. Even though he is gone, he was my first love and will always be the
reason I started writing.
6 You
wrote some short stories “The Pit Stop”, and “The Depot”. What makes those
books paranormal?
Pit Stop’ and ‘The Depot’ are part of a mini-mystery series with a paranormal
edge. Unlike some stories that paranormal is the primary focus, I try to give
just a hint of paranormal, so that it is believable. The Depot’s Ghost Story is
actually based on a real story.
7 On
your website, CarmenDeSousa.com, you explained why you write Happily Ever After
Stories. Do you have one of your own? Did you grow up in an unhappy situation
and got whisked away by your hero?
boy, you’re digging deep. LOL! I had a very traumatic life up until meeting my
‘knight in smoky armor’, as he too needed a little polishing before he was
‘shining’. But we do have a ‘love at first sight’ story. I called my
grandmother after our first date and told her I’d met the man I was going to
marry. Thirteen days later, he asked me to marry him. Thirty days later, we
eloped, but then remarried in front of our family. We’ve been married
twenty-three years and have two boys ages sixteen and twenty-one. Yes, I’m
definitely living my happily ever after.
8 If
someone would offer you a movie contract for She Belongs to Me and you could
chose anyone you wanted to play Jaynee and Jordan, who would they be and why?
actually haven’t looked into current day actors, but Hugh Jackman if he were
younger would play Jordan. I did see someone the other day who could be my
Jaynee, but I forgot her name. Oops. But, on a side note, next month’s contest
will be a ‘pick the character’ contest. So, please join me, and we’ll decide
9 What is your secret to becoming Best Seller?
I’d like to say that it’s because I wrote a great novel, but that’s simply not
the case. While my first novel does have 100+ reviews in the US and UK
averaging 4.3 stars, which is comparable to most mainstream authors, that’s not
how I became a bestseller. After all, no one knew me, so there was no way for
them to know my book was any good. I’ve landed on the bestseller list about ten
times now, because I socialize with my readers and they tell their friends. I
am always on Twitter and Facebook, answering as many questions as I can, and I
have a lot of book clubs that pick up and promote my books to their readers.
10. Do you have any advice to anyone interested in becoming an author?
don’t think it’s easy. It has to be your dream, as you will end up working
fifteen-hour days. But if it’s your dream, never give up! Because nothing feels
better to a writer—other than the family stuff, of course—than hearing that
someone loved your book. It’s the greatest. :)
Carmen with loves to connect with her readers and fans. She loves to talk all things books. You can find her at these websites:
I encourage you that if you haven't downloaded any of her ebooks or ordered a paperback, to do so. You will not be disappointed. I have to tell you to start with She Belongs to Me. (You will see why when you get into her second book)
You can order her books at
Thank you Carmen for allowing me to interview you.