Christian Indie Authors Reader group


Saturday, October 4, 2014

My Take on Kindle Unlimited

Since it started, I saw KU as of a kind of NetFlix. KU stands for Kindle Unlimited, but I really think they should call it Kindle Limited. Why? Because you can only borrow ten or read ten books a month! If there is no limited, they they should let you read as many books as you like. That would be like "All you can eat shrimp"

When you walk into a seafood restaurant, you order the 10.99 all you can eat shrimp special. Okay maybe not 10.99 but you know what I mean. They give you an endless plate of fried shrimp. And if I am right, they will give you more. But suppose you walk in, order the AYCE Shrimp and they serve you ten shrimps? You complain right? You say "Excuse me, but I can eat more than that!" and smile,

Now look at books. Maybe ten books is all you can read and that is fine with you. But suppose you finish reading ten books, and the month isn't over, and you head over to Amazon, find another book to read and there it is: Read For Free. "YES!" You click it and Amazon says, "Sorry you've reached your limit."   What? But I paid 10 dollars and it is Unlimited right?  I guess Amazon thinks  Ten is an unlimited amount of books.

I found another problem with KU. I just found this out: You borrows ten books, but you haven't returned all of them. You read four of them but you still have six. You pay the 9.99 again to enroll and you start reading for free. Now I haven't experienced this yet but someone found out that Amazon won't  let you borrow anymore books unless you return the ten. I have a lot of reading to do!

For the authors, Kindle unlimited could be a bad thing if they write novels. They get no royalties if the  reader reads less than 10% of the book. If you wrote a 250 page book, then the reader has to read more than 25 pages. So they read ten pages, don't like the book, return it  and you get nothing. However, if the author writes a short story or a novella, it could work.

The only good I see about Kindle Unlimited is that for anyone, 9.99 a month is a good price because some ebooks are more than $1.99 you could be saving money in the long run and if you just want to read it like a library book, that's great! The only ebooks that you can read for free are the ones that are enrolled in the Kindle Select Program (These books can't be sold anywhere else.)

Friday, July 25, 2014

Finally! The revealing of my soon to be released book!

Did you thought Jesus Paid it all was a devotional? You saw the photo of a cross and the title seemed to imply it. Well think no more. Earlier this year I've signed over to Linkville Press the rights to this book. Although I had planned to use what another had made for me, the resolution was too low and I gave the go ahead for my publisher to do a new one. Here it is!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

99 cent Kindle Deals from Madison Romance

Well fellow bloggers, authors and readers, this author has done it! Although  my books are really good (contrary what some critics might think) I have lowered the price of my ebooks at!

here are the links to my ebooks:

A Second Chance At Love

The Past Hunter:When the Past Comes Calling

Jesus Paid It All

You don't want to miss these great deals! They are full of suspense and you wont want to put them down!
 Here is what one reviewer said about Jesus paid It ALL:
8 of 8 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars A great adventure and a lesson in the power of goodness and love.December 17, 2013
This review is from: Jesus Paid It All (Kindle Edition)
Sometimes, when a handsome man invites you to lunch, it is wiser to refuse. When the lonely young wife Darlene is invited to go to a restaurant, by the very handsome and mysterious Diethelm, accompanying him was a very unwise thing indeed to do. She set a series of nightmarish adventures in train, that would take her from her quiet life in California to gilded captivity in Germany as the intended bride of her witch suitor.
Darlene is not the only one in her family to be dragged into danger. Her husband, Dylan, also becomes enmeshed in the intrigues of Diethelm's family coven, when he is kidnapped from his Marine base in Afghanistan by the pagan sex siren Tasha.
As its title suggests, this is a book with a very strong Christian ethos. But it is not just a good book in the strictly biblical sense. While the great love that God has for all of us shines out from the pages, it in no way diminishes its effectiveness as a really exciting and suspenseful story. It might be a Christian book, but it will keep people of all faiths and no faiths on the edges of their seats. I absolutely recommend it to one and all.
Another reviewer about The Past Hunter:
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars The Past Hunter September 30, 2013
By Nettie
Format:Kindle Edition
The Past Hunter was a hard book to put down! It kept me interested from beginning to end, the story line was not the type you see much these days. It wasn't full of things that makes it a trashy romance novel. The Past Hunter shows that everyone deserves a second chance and that you cannot assume that what you think happened actually happened the way your mind believes. It goes on to prove that with enough faith anything is possible! I cannot wait to read more!

And about a Second Chance at Love

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Well Written and Developed July 20, 2013
Format:Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Ruthie Madison draws us into Marge's world, at first she is full of cynicism and decides to sign up for a transformation class with a man she does not really know. A man who seems to target those with disabilities, with his so call transformaton class which seems to be a rouse to control these women. Marge is taken away from family and friends and looses all control of her life. In the process though she does learn more about herself and looses the cynical attitude. A book I recomend to romance lover or those who love Romantic Suspense...

If you don't own a Kindle, you can get my second  and third book at

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Book Spotlight:Sodom On Its Knees by Pam Funke

Book Blurb:
3,902 years ago, there was a city so evil, corrupt and filled with sin that God saw no other choice, but to completely destroy it. The city of Sodom was completely destroyed by a rain of fire in a single day.

The great nation of the United States of America, a nation founded and built on God, has since turned its back on God. The people have allowed the government to remove Him from our schools, our jobs and are trying to remove Him from our churches. Many have chosen to remove Him even from their homes. Why is this happening to us they ask as they helplessly watch the nation's wickedness increase? How much longer will God allow us to continue in our sinful ways? Will He destroy us as He did Sodom?

God said that if His angels can find 5,000 righteous in our nation that He will spare us. When His angels walk our nation will they find even one righteous? Will there be enough righteous found to spare our great nation? 

Excerpt from book:

The Year 2012

The Kingdom of Heaven

In the beautiful courtroom of God Almighty, God sat on His throne with Jesus sitting on His right hand. Gabriel and Michael were also in attendance, along with other angels, cherubim and seraphim. They were all quietly watching the events taking place on the earth. Jesus waved his right hand and they could see various events play out before them from the past, the present and the things yet to come.
Jesus stopped as they were seeing the scenes prior to the destruction of the city of Sodom. He smiled as he remembered eating a meal with Abram. It had been pleasurable despite the reason He was there. He remembered how Abram had pleaded with Him to not destroy the righteous along with the evil when He told Abram of his plan.
Jesus had allowed his angels to lead Abram’s nephew Lot and his family out of Sodom minutes before He rained fire and brimstone down on the city. It had been painful to Jesus to destroy the people of Sodom. He had not wanted anyone to perish. Jesus closed his eyes in thought. If only they had repented for their sins and turned from their wicked ways. I loved them yet they loved their wicked ways more. He sighed as he opened His eyes. His heart broke as he heard the screams of the people dying in the city. He watched as Lot’s family was fleeing toward the city of Zoar. All but one had obeyed the orders of  His angels. Lot’s wife, Talia, turned back to look at Sodom. It had been the last thing that she ever did as she was turned into a pillar of salt.
Gabriel looked over at Jesus, the Master was truly disturbed by the events that have taken place over time. He watched as Jesus waved His hand again and the scene before them changed once again. He turned to watch.
Michael could sense the Lord's displeasure with man. He watched as man continued in his sinful ways. It saddened him to see so many choose their worldly ways instead of the Father. All through time, each generation seemed to behave worse than the generation before them.
One nation in particular seemed to sadden the Father more so than the others. Michael watched as Jesus seemed to focus on The United States of America. They watched the birth of the great nation. God seemed to take great delight in the birth. Here were a group of men working together to make for themselves a land in which they could freely worship God without the fear of persecution. Here was a nation that realized that they owed everything including their very lives to God. God smiled as they signed the Declaration of Independence. He smiled as they sang praises and worshipped Him.
Jesus waved his right hand again and they saw the progression of the United States. They were now involved in a war amongst themselves. They had forgotten one of their reasons for becoming a new nation; the equality of every man, woman and child. God frowned as He watched them kill each other; not once thinking of turning the situation over to Him and allowing Him to handle it. Jesus waved his right hand again and they watched as this great nation fought alongside many other nations in an effort to protect the freedom of others in a global dispute. When will they learn to trust the Father completely? Michael shook his head as they watched a new global battle take place against those that they had previously fought for. When will it ever end?
Again Jesus waved his right hand and they watched as horrifying acts of violence erupted and passed one right after the other. The Korean War, the assassination of the President of the United States,  the Vietnam War, the legalization of abortion, the assassination of Martin Luther King (1968), the legalization of abortion (1973), the assassination attempt on another US President, the outbreak of the Aids virus, the bombing in Libya, the Gulf Wars, the attacks on the world trade center and the pentagon, the rise of blasphemous cults, riots in the streets, the rise of gangs, the increase of gang violence, sexual predators and serial killers, the bombing in Oklahoma city(1995), the list went on and on. It was all very depressing. Why have they not cried out to the Father? Do they not know that He alone is all powerful? I don't understand them. Michael looked at Jesus, but said nothing.
Once again Jesus waved his right hand and they saw the present state of the United States. Things have not changed for the better. At least, not that Michael could see. The people of the United States have fallen from the grace of God. They have completely turned their backs on Him. They have removed Him from their homes, their schools, their places of work and from their very lives. They return evil with evil instead of turning it all over to the Master. Each and every day their sins overpower the good. Michael lowered his eyes in sadness.
He slowly turned towards Jesus, "They have become like the city of Sodom. How long Lord, will you allow them to continue down this path of destruction?"
Jesus nodded sadly to Michael and Gabriel giving them authority over the land. "If you can find 5,000 righteous I will spare the land," Jesus said.

Author Bio:
Pam Funke is the grand-daughter of a Pastor and was brought up in the church. Her love of reading led her to write for the enjoyment of others. She lives in Hinesville, Georgia with her son and daughter.


Where to download the book:


Her Website:

Monday, January 13, 2014

Operation Dark Angel--Book Review

I just finished reading Operation Dark Angel by Pamela Michelle Funke. It is the first in her Apocalypse series and she is working on her third one now. The second is World at War. If you are going to read the latter, I suggest you start with Operation Dark Angel---That is, if you like reading about about bad things happening to the world and people. If you are like me, you might end up slightly disappointed, but this is no happily ever story. Even in real life, after the rapture, the world will get worst and experiences tribulations of its own! The Anti-Christ will come and there will only be one world religion. Most people believe that religion will be Islam.  Pam's book is about the rise of an Anti-Christ way before he became a man or world leader-- It began in a young woman much the same way Mary conceived Jesus except that instead of the Holy Spirit impregnating the woman, It was an unknown but evil being which is known as "the voice." I would conclude that it is the voice of the Evil One, Satan himself. And unlike Mary, the young man was killed sometime after she gave birth.

I had some questions has a read this book. My understanding of when all these events will happen or when the Anti-Christ comes to power is after the church is taken out of the way. In other words, when the church is raptured. So my question is: these people like Hallee, Katy, Bryon and Dr. Ezekiel, were they true Christians and if so why were they still there? The writer doesn't say that there are still Christians in the world are not, but later China blames the Christians for the missiles attack so that would mean  they must have been there. The story in that case doesn't seem realistic enough to me.  I understand the whole book is not  about the trials and tribulations of post rapture, but about the evil schemes of Nicolaitanes who wishes to destroy most of the world just so he can rule the world.

If you are into this kind of writing, then I would encourage you to read it inspite of my questions. See for yourself. One person's opinion may differ from another one. I am just sadden by so much wickedness. There are no happy endings in this book.

Over all I give a four star rating.